Sunday, April 24, 2011

"E-books Revolutionizing the Publishing Industry" by Elizabeth Butt

It reads like one of those classic one-liners.

Two authors sit down to discuss the modern publishing industry. One author asks the other if he would accept half a million dollars for a two-book deal.

The punch line’s a doozy. Half a million dollars? Not on your life.

“I can do better in the long term on my own,” he says, simply by self-publishing e-books and print on demand (POD). And he’s half-a-million-dollars serious.

It may read like one of those classic one-liners, but authors’ Joe Konrath and Barry Eisler’s recent discussion of e-books and self-publishing is no laughing matter. Konrath, a successful author and blogger, argues that authors can make more money self-publishing through online e-books than through traditional publishing companies.

“Currently, my novel The List is the #15 bestseller on all of Amazon,” Konrath said in his conversation with Eisler. “I wrote that book 12 years ago, and it was rejected by every major NY publisher. I self-published it on Amazon two years ago, and it has sold over 35,000 copies.”

Since the release of digital readers like Kindle, Nook, and iPad, e-book sales have skyrocketed. This year alone, Amazon made more Kindle book sales than hardcover sales, and for every 100 paperbacks sold, Amazon sells 115 Kindle books. Industry e-book sales were up 169.4% for the first two months of the year, and in February alone surged 202%, even while hardcover sales plunged by almost half.

E-books are outperforming traditional printed media, and self-published authors are profiting from their surging popularity.

Konrath’s e-book, The List, has sold 35,000 total copies so far. Priced at $2.99 apiece, Konrath has earned some $73,255 in profits, and $17,500 of that was within 12 days of online publication.

He hasn’t been the only author to benefit from e-book sales.

Most people have heard the story of Indie author Amanda Hocking. After her books were rejected by traditional legacy publishing houses, Hocking turned to e-book publishing. Her e-book Trylle Trilogy debuted on USA Today’s Top 50 list, and since then sales have only climbed. She recently signed a two million dollar deal with traditional publisher St. Martins, but only after making millions of dollars through e-book publishing. Hocking’s experience has proved that authors can make money self-publishing. A lot of money.

The reasons are simple. In the traditional publishing industry, authors wait months to see their work in published form. In the e-book business, however, publishing is virtually instantaneous. What’s more, writers keep up to seventy percent of the royalties, an unheard-of percentage in the legacy publishing industry, where net royalties are somewhere in the region of ten to twenty percent. And, as Konrath notes, the sale of e-book rights is almost always “forever.”

“Once they're live, they will sell for decades,” Konrath says. “Someday, long after I'm gone, my grandchildren will be getting my royalties.”

E-book accessibility, convenience, and low prices are driving sales.

E-books offer readers instant access to their favorite titles, and most e-books are available at markedly lower prices than printed paperbacks. Savvy readers can find thousands of e-book titles for free. Many classics are available at no cost, and debut releases by new authors are often offered without charge for a limited time in an effort to increase readership.

Book retailers like Barnes & Noble and Amazon have cashed in on the e-book boom by marketing upgraded digital readers, while electronic companies like Apple offer iphone and tablet applications.

It’s no wonder then that the Kindle is Amazon’s bestselling product of all time.

Despite drastically lower e-book production costs, traditional publishers continue to offer authors low royalty rates and conservative contracts. Some traditional publishing companies like Penguin and Harper Collins refuse to lower prices for their e-publications. Penguin Publishing is selling the Kindle version of The Wise Man’s Fear for $14.99 on Amazon—only two dollars short of the hard copy, sold discounted for $17.47. The Kindle edition of David Baldacci’s The Sixth Man is being sold for roughly the same price as the hardback version—$14.99, at the behest of its publisher, Hachette Book Group.

Public reaction to high e-book prices has been highly critical, invoking a backlash of one-star ratings for high-priced e-books. Given e-books’ paperless production, readers feel that they should be considerably cheaper than hard copy forms, but some publication companies have resisted lowering prices. Amazon recently lost a legal battle with HarperCollins over the right to regulate e-book prices. Prices for Harpercollins books have been steeper as a result, often equaling the price of printed soft or hard copies. Mark Coker, the CEO of Smashwords, an online ebook distributor, argues that authors are losing faith in traditional publishing companies. If readers boycott expensive e-books in favor of cheaper ones, the traditional publishing industry will have to adjust to remain competitive in the e-book market.

E-books are also creating a stir among public libraries. Publishing companies like HarperCollins recently restricted the number of times e-books can be loaned to patrons, infuriating librarians everywhere. The decision, librarians said, unfairly restricted underprivileged customers from accessing books they would not be able to read otherwise, and disinclined libraries to purchase e-books. The Christian Science Monitor reported that librarians were “appalled” at the new lending cap that allows e-books to be lent only 26 times before expiring.

Many speculate that e-books will soon replace printed formats, as more and more people are turning to electronic readers for easy access to thousands of book titles. E-books continue to outsell traditional hard copy editions, and although the full impact of e-books is not yet known, one thing is clear: The publishing industry will never be the same.

University of South Alabama fiction writing professor, Carolyn Haines, had a few comments to add about e-publishing. Since “anyone” can put up an e-book, quality could become a real issue. In traditional publishing, agents and the publisher “vet” the books. 

“This doesn’t always guarantee great reads, and many wonderful books have been left behind," Haines said. "But there is a sense that a traditionally published book has gone through a process.”

“Those who consider the self-publishing route should seriously consider hiring a book doctor—someone who really knows content editing as well as copy editing. A well-done self-published book can attract an audience, as Konrath and Hocking demonstrate.” (Hockings’ first book was rejected repeatedly by traditional publishers—now they’re paying her $2 million. That must be sweet.) “But a poorly written book, even at .99 cents, will not grow an audience. Take the time and trouble to do it right,” Haines said.

And remember. The cover sells your book, she added. “Publishing is changing. We might as well take the ride with joy instead of fear.”

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"I would hurl words into this darkness and wait for an echo, and if an echo sounded, no matter how faintly, I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, to create a sense of hunger for life that gnaws in us all." -Richard Wright
Welcome to Echo Sounded, an online e-zine and community forum where USA students can publish their fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and other creative writing, network with fellow writers, and receive creative feedback for their work.
The forum, Echo Sounded @ mixxt, is a closed community for Jaguar students and alumni only, where writers create their own account and post their work. The e-zine will feature the latest news from the writing world and will also feature select, standout pieces from the forum.
Echo Sounded is sponsored by Carolyn Haines and Stokes Distinguished Professor Dr. Sue Walker. Help us create a community of writers here at the University of South Alabama!

Production on "The Hobbit" Movie Begins in New Zealand

The Hobbit Blog, official blog of the upcoming movie, has released the following update on film production.
Warner Bros. has officially announced the beginning of production on The Hobbit, Peter Jackson’s two film epic adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s timeless classic.

The Hobbit is set in Middle-earth 60 years before Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, which Jackson and his filmmaking team brought to the big screen in the blockbuster trilogy that culminated with the Oscar-winning The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

The Hobbit follows the journey of title character Bilbo Baggins, who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor, which was long ago conquered by the dragon Smaug. Approached out of the blue by the wizard Gandalf the Grey, Bilbo finds himself joining a company of thirteen dwarves led by the legendary warrior, Thorin Oakensheild. Their journey will take them into the Wild; through treacherous lands swarming with Goblins and Orcs, deadly Wargs and Giant Spiders, Shapeshifters and Sorcerers.

For further news and updates on The Hobbit movie production, visit The Hobbit Blog.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Publisher's Weekly: "Avon Launches Digital Publishing Imprint"

HarperCollins's Avon Books has launched Avon Impulse, an imprint dedicated to digital titles. Avon Impulse will focus largely on e-books; it will also publish POD novels/novellas by Avon writers and new authors. Senior v-p and publisher of William Morrow/Avon Liate Stehlik said the new imprint will give Avon the opportunity to give romance readers titles in a format they have long embraced, as well as to publish more quickly "with an eye to what’s trending in fiction.” Avon Impulse is looking to do multiple titles every month, working up to releasing titles on a weekly basis.

The line launches with A Lady's Wish, an original e-novella by Katharine Ashe set for release March 15.

Read the full article HERE.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The New York Times: "Why Do Writers Abandon Novels?"

Published: March 4, 2011
“A book itself threatens to kill its author repeatedly during its composition,” Michael Chabon writes in the margins of his unfinished novel “Fountain City” — a novel, he adds, that he could feel “erasing me, breaking me down, burying me alive, drowning me, kicking me down the stairs.” And so Chabon fought back: he killed “Fountain City” in 1992. What was to be the follow-up to his first novel, “The Mysteries of Pittsburgh,” instead was a black mark on his hard drive, five and a half years of work wasted.

Read the full article HERE.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Author Magazine Interviews Greg Bear

Greg Bear is the author of more than thirty books of science fiction and fantasy, including BLOOD MUSIC, THE FORGE OF GOD, DARWIN'S RADIO, QUANTICO and CITY AT THE END OF TIME. Awarded two Hugos and five Nebulas for his fiction, one of two authors to win a Nebula in every category, Bear has been called the “Best working writer of hard science fiction” by “The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.” Visit Author Magazine for more author interviews, articles, and information.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lori Bernard: "Under the Island House"

The name “island house” usually gives people a false impression. “Come
visit us sometime at the island house,” we will say, and the image
that comes to mind is that of a large house on stilts overlooking the
calm bay waters, painted a crisp mint green or fresh canary yellow,
and overflowing with the traditional beach décor of seashells and
flip-flops. But this is certainly not the case of our island house, or
rather my grandparent’s island house. A more appropriate name is
bungalow, cottage, or house-stuck-in-the-50s.

The house is in the middle of Sand Island, with no view whatsoever of
the sparkling Gulf waters. Its sits low on the ground, raised only two
feet or so to prevent it from flooding in most cases, which is
certainly not enough room to park the BMW’s and speed boats or set up
a hammock surrounded by Tiki torches (like most of the neighbors).

Inside, the time era is blatantly obvious. Wood paneling covers every
inch of every room including the kitchen cabinets and drawers.
Scalloped wood trim hides fluorescent lights above the stove and sink.
The kitchen counters are covered in a red laminate trimmed with a
stainless steel edge and, of course, a baby blue bath tub graces the
plastic tiled bathroom.

This is where we live—for the moment.

My husband, Billy, had been unemployed for four months, and when we
couldn’t afford to pay the rent for our apartment, my grandparents had
suggested that we stay at their vacation house on Sand Island. It’s a
small island, about an hour south of the main city, and separated from
the real world by the longest bridge I’ve ever been on. There are a
few tourist sites scattered up and down the long “C” shaped island,
like a bird sanctuary and ancient Indian burial grounds. But other
than that it only has one mom-and-pop grocery store, two gas stations,
three churches, a small school, and a Coast Guard base. Most people
that live on the island are elderly and retired, and they are perfect
examples of living life the “easy way.”

After being at the island house for three months, I started feeling
the symptoms of cabin fever. I began yearning for a place of our own
and to use our own things, like dishes and sheets, instead of using
what was in the cupboards and pantry at the island house. Finally,
after a total of five months, Billy received a job offer.

But there was also bad news—Billy had to leave for five weeks of
training, which left me alone with Max, our active, high-energy,
demanding, almost two year old son. Max wasn’t a bad child in the
least, but he did have his moments. The temper tantrums when he
couldn’t explain to us what he wanted, the pinching and squeezing and
hitting when he didn’t get what he wanted, and the need of constant
interaction—something he always wanted. I was always exhausted, if not
crying from the pains of parenthood, and my patience running thinner
than a piece of floss. With Billy home all the time, I enjoyed his
constant help, superb help in fact. So, I guess I was a little bummed
that Billy was going back to work.

Billy left yesterday, so here I was, alone with Max on the island.
Being that I had limited options for entertaining my toddler (no Toys
'R Us to browse in), we decided, like most days, to play in the yard.
The heat and mosquitoes were a deadly mixture, so after we were
equipped with water and "Off" spray, I was finally able to relax in a
lawn chair under the carport while the little guy explored every
corner of the fenced in yard. It was his favorite pastime, which made
it mine too.

I fervently opened up my library book, only the second book I had time
to read since Max was born. Yes, it was slightly embarrassing, and I
had to renew this book three times from the library, but to my
excitement, I was finally about to hit the halfway point.

Although the book was cracking me up, I forced myself to periodically
look up to check on Max, but this time I didn’t see him in the yard. I
heard a rustling from the right and got up to look around the car when
I realized that the sound had come from underneath the house.

“Oh, my gosh!” I said it out loud, and squatted on my haunches to get a peek.

It was dark under there, and I couldn’t see through to the other side
of the house. Concrete blocks and scattered pieces of wood were
holding the house up and blocking my view, casting shadows and
creating an obstacle course. I saw everything from debris to spider
webs to holes in the dirt housing things I never knew existed, but I
didn’t see the one thing I wanted to see—Max.

I stood up and looked around the yard, one more time, hoping that he
had just been hiding behind a tree, lying in the tall grass, or…
anything but this!

“Max? Max!” I called his name, and after hearing no response for
thirty seconds, I knew what I had to do. I had to go after him.

As I walked to the edge of the house and inched down, this time on my
knees, I wanted to curse whoever it was that created Peek-a-Boo or
Chase. It was certainly the fault of those games that instilled the
thought of hiding or running from parents. Even Dora the Explorer was
to blame—a young child exploring woods and dangerous creatures, on her
own? Who created this stuff?

I couldn’t fit on my hands and knees, and I certainly did not want to
drag my body on my belly, so I did one of those Army crawl maneuvers
on my elbows and knees.

“Max? Max!” I called. I started feeling panicky, and it wasn’t just
from losing my child. I was scared silly of spiders, and I knew I
could come face to face with a possum, raccoon, or armadillo. I
definitely wasn’t the outdoorsy or exploring type. But I had to get

I strained my eyes to see with what little light was coming through
the edges of the house from the quickly setting sun.


I froze, looking around in the darkness, wondering if I even heard
what I thought I heard. The voice that had called out to me was not a
child’s voice; it was the voice of a full-grown man. As far as I knew,
I was still just “ma-ma.”

“Max?” I was definitely scared now.

“Mom, something’s happened to me,” I heard the voice say.

I inched forward.

“This is so weird,” the voice continued. “I’m not sure what happened,
Mom.” The voice was sincere and certainly confused.

As I crawled forward toward the voice, I was suddenly staring into a
face that was less than two feet from mine. I immediately recognized
those big blue eyes and dimpled chin. I knew it was impossible, but I
also knew it was Max.

“Max?” It wasn’t really a question. I said it more in awe, because
this was my baby, yet he was an adult.

The man, who looked in his twenties, was on his elbows and knees just
as I was. He was looking down and tugging at the dark brown hair on
his arm. His eyebrows were down and close together because he was
scowling. He had a five o’clock shadow and dark brown hair that hung
over his eyes, the same cut that he had had only minutes before as a
toddler. He looked so much like Billy, there was no mistaking that.

“Max, um, how old are you?” I asked, trying to figure out what had happened.

“I’m almost two,” he said, looking up at me, studying my face in
confusion. “You know that, Mom. You tell people that all the time.”

Now I was confused. He had aged, in both appearance and language, but
it seemed he was still in the same mind frame of a child, of my

“Tell me what you remember, Max.”

“Well, we were outside, and I was watching the dragonflies. I peeked
under the house, and I thought I could fit, so I bent down and
starting crawling underneath it. But I bumped my head, because I
wasn’t careful, like how you tell me to be. That’s all I remember.”

Now I was scowling. This was definitely bizarre, and I felt like I was
watching one of those science-fiction TV shows. What doctor do I call?
Wait, skip the doctor and call the FBI, right?

“Mom,” Max continued, breaking my train of thought, “I don’t feel
frustrated anymore.”

“What do you mean?” I was trying to stay calm and maintain my “Mom”
composure, even though I was thinking about how I was going to explain
this one to Billy.

“I usually get angry when I can’t explain to you what I want, mostly
because you don’t understand what I’m telling you. I get upset and I
yell, and I… I hurt you. I make you cry, Mom, and I’m sorry.”

The bottoms of his deep blue eyes were full of tears, ready to pour
out and fall down his still puffy cheeks.

“I know, baby, and it’s okay.” My heart wrenched. Hearing him say
those words was beyond anything I could ever ask for. Being a mom was
the hardest thing I had ever experienced. Those times when Max would
hit me, I could only wonder if he felt sorry. I would surrender myself
to my room and cry on my bed for a few moments, releasing the pain I
felt not only on my body but in my heart. But now I knew, and it
filled me with a feeling, something I could only describe as peace.

“Don’t cry, Mom,” he looked at me, his tearful eyes filled with
concern, as my eyes too started to well with tears, though mine were
of happiness and relief. The look he gave me struck me. It was one I
had seen numerous times, that of severe worry when I would leave him
for a few hours, ignore him for a few minutes, or crouch in a corner
of a room yearning for a moment of rest.

The sun had set, and the only light that was peering in through the
bottom of the house was a deep orange and red from the fiery sunset.
It was time to get out from underneath the house. My mind kept
drifting to how I would recite to Billy that our son was a man. He
would not believe me at first, because it was only something to
believe if you saw it with your own eyes.

I wiped my cheeks with the back of my hand, trying to avoid getting as
much dirt on my face as possible. “Max, we should get out of here.
Let’s crawl back out. Can you do that?”

“Sure, Mom.” Before I could move, Max reached forward and touched the
tips of my fingers. “Mom,” he said, “I love you.”

I knew I would remember those words, those sweet, sweet words, for the
rest of my life. They were the words I had longed to hear, from
someone I needed to hear them from. I felt as if my life had served
its purpose, the purpose being to teach my child love.

He wiggled past me, his clothes black with dirt that I could barely
make sense of what he was wearing. I turned around to follow him out,
my mind spinning in disbelief and wonderment. But I was surprised to
also be feeling contentment, especially in this situation, a situation
where any normal person would be freaking out.

I slid along tailing Max, nearing the edge of the house. The bottoms
of his large tennis shoes pressed against the dirt as he pushed
himself out. The red in the sky had faded to a black-scarlet, and
being void of any city lights, the island was only lit by the stars.

I looked up at the edge, making sure my head would clear the wood and
cement foundation, but before I could slide my head out into the open
air, a little sideways face bent down and looked at me with big
excited eyes.

“Ma-ma!” it shouted. It was my Max, my almost two year old Max. No
longer was he in the adult form I was just speaking with.

I crawled out and sat on my knees, my face torn between a frown and a
smile, perplexed by what had happened. But the feeling of pure joy
overcame everything else as Max clung onto me, resting his head on my
shoulders and patting my back, something he imitated from Billy and

I never did tell Billy what had happened—he wouldn’t have believed me.
The island house, once seen only as ugly and old, will always hold a
special place in my heart. That’s where I was told that I was loved
and needed by my son, when I needed to hear it most.